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Telephone does not ring when you receive a call

One or more of the telephones connected to the FRITZ!Box doesn't ring when someone calls you? ✔ Here's what to do.

One or more of the telephones connected to the FRITZ!Box sometimes do not ring or never ring when you receive a call, although you can make calls.

Simply proceed as described below. After each measure, check whether the problem is solved.

Note:All instructions on configuration and settings given in this guide refer to the latest FRITZ!OS for the FRITZ!Box.

1 Number of calls over a DECT repeater is limited

A maximum of two of the telephones located in the reception area of a DECT repeater from another manufacturer ring when you receive a call. If you are using a FRITZ!DECT Repeater, up to five telephones can ring at the same time.

2 Disabling the Do Not Disturb setting, call blocks, and call through

The telephone may not ring because Do Not Disturb, a call block, call diversion, or call through is enabled in the FRITZ!Box. Disable these settings in the FRITZ!Box:

  1. Click "Telephony" in the FRITZ!Box user interface.
  2. Click "Telephony Devices" in the "Telephony" menu.
  3. Click the (Edit) button for the respective telephone.
  4. Click on the "Do Not Disturb" tab, disable any "Do Not Disturb" settings, and click "OK".

    Important:Do Not Disturb cannot be set up for IP telephones connected to the "LAN/Wi-Fi" interface, for example FRITZ!App Fon.

  5. Click "Telephony" and then "Call Handling", and delete all call blocks.
  6. Click on the "Call Diversion" tab and delete any call diversion that were configured.
  7. Click on the "Call Through" tab.
  8. Disable call through and click "Apply".

3 Enabling multi-SIM for incoming calls

Some mobile network providers automatically disable the SIM card's telephony function when the SIM card is inserted in the FRITZ!Box and a connection is established:

  1. Insert the SIM card into the FRITZ!Box.
  2. Configure the SIM card in the customer portal or the provider's app so that it reacts to incoming calls.

    Note:With o2 you can specify under "Anruf- und SMS-Einstellungen ändern" in the "SIM-Kartenverwaltung" area which multicards should ring when you receive incoming calls and which device should receive SMS/MMS.

4 Disabling "DECT Eco"

The following steps are only necessary if the problem occurs with a cordless telephone:

  1. Click "Telephony" in the FRITZ!Box user interface.
  2. Click "DECT" in the "Telephony" menu.
  3. Disable the option "DECT Eco" in the section "Radio Field Strength".
  4. Click "Apply" to save the settings.

If the telephone rings now, the DECT connection to the telephone was disturbed. Any devices that emit radio waves could be a source of interference. These include other DECT base stations, baby monitors, mobile telephones, and television antennas, for example. If the telephone does not receive the "wake up" signal from the FRITZ!Box in time and therefore does not wake up from standby mode, repositioning the telephone may help.

5 Assigning telephone numbers to telephones

  1. Click "Telephony" in the FRITZ!Box user interface.
  2. Click "Telephony Devices" in the "Telephony" menu.
  3. Click the (Edit) button for the respective telephone.
  4. Configure the telephone so that it reacts to incoming calls to the desired telephone number: Enter the number under "Outgoing calls" or "Incoming calls", or enable the option "React to all numbers".
  5. Click "Apply" to save the settings.

6 Setting up port forwarding for internet telephony

  1. Click "Telephony" in the FRITZ!Box user interface.
  2. Click "Telephone Numbers" in the "Telephony" menu.
  3. Click on the "Line Settings" tab.
  4. Click "Changing the Settings" in the "Telephony connection" section.
  5. Enable the option "Keep port sharing of the internet router enabled for telephony".
  6. Select a suitable time interval. Select "30 sec." if you do not know how long temporary port forwarding rules will be maintained.
  7. Click "Apply" to save the settings.

7 Disabling call diversions at the provider's end

The telephone may not ring because call diversion is enabled at your telephony provider's end. Therefore, disable all call diversions configured at the provider's end:

  1. Check in your telephony provider's app or in your personal customer area on your provider's website whether call diversion is enabled for one of your telephone numbers.
  2. Disable any call diversions configured at the provider's end.

8 Having your numbers checked

If the telephone still does not ring when you receive calls to an internet telephone number although the internet connection and internet telephone number were configured correctly, your internet telephony provider is experiencing a problem:

Important:After porting telephone numbers (for example after switching to an IP-based connection), telephone numbers can often be used immediately for outgoing calls. However, you cannot receive calls to these numbers for one or two days because the telephone numbers are not completely ported until then.

  1. Contact your internet telephony provider and have your number checked.