Press release
21 June 2022
AVM calculates savings potential for fiber optic connections

Save around 40 percent energy on a fiber optic connection with a router modem combo

> Press photo

Consumers who opt for a combined device for internet access can save around 40 percent of their energy costs on a fiber optic connection. This is the result of a survey conducted by Berlin-based communications specialist AVM. Many households that already have a fiber optic connection use both a modem and an additional router for Wi-Fi, telephony and streaming. With a combined modem router such as a FRITZ!Box Fiber, only one device is required. When taking a look at the average power consumption of the devices, this results in savings of around 40 percent per year. With a view to the 2.5 million households nationwide that already use fiber optics, the savings would be equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 55,000 households. Those who opt for a router modem combo also save in the long term. Within 5 years, households can save 100 euros or more on their internet connection alone. 

Like refrigerators, televisions and computers, the internet router is a device that is constantly in use. In times of rising energy costs, AVM therefore recommends that consumers use digital devices at home that have comprehensive energy management.  Internet routers like the FRITZ!Box are based on an efficient energy concept that ranges from the circuit board design to regular updates. In addition, the FRITZ!Box Fiber models are extremely future-proof, as they are also designed for future increases in the speed of fiber optic networks. Find out more at